Project Name: New Media and NGOs
Project Type: Erasmus Plus KA1-Youth Workers Mobility (Training Course)
Subjects: EU Citizenship, ICT – New Technologies – Digital Competences, Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy)
Project Venue: İzmir – Turkey
Project Dates: 1th June 2017 – 31th August 2018
Project Duration: 15 Months
Activity Dates: 18 – 25 February 2018
Number Of Participant: 4 Person, Total Group 42 Person
Age Limit: +18 (18 and over 18)
Partner Countries: Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey.
The term of new media has ensued with the development of technologies; for example of web2.0, social media, weblog etc. New media has dispossessed the monopoly journalists, editors, media institutions of news source contrary to traditional media and included all segments of society. These developments have brought about big opportunities and some problems. Some of the advantages are new job opportunities these technologies give, employability, easier access to information and target group. One of the biggest problems is hate speech and crimes.
With our project “New Media and NGO’s”, we want to popularize the opportunities of new media for youth workers and NGO any longer and raise awareness of this group about hate speech. 10 non-governmental organizations from 10 countries and 40 youth workers will come together between the dates of 18-25 February 2018 in İzmir, Turkey with the project “New Media and NGO’s”. The participants will get training about new media tools, weblog applications, hate speech and its types, freedom of expression and carry out workshops with common learning techniques. Moreover the participants will carry on getting into a partnership with each other and other NGOs in İzmir and its local area for new projects and carry out works for “New Media and Hate Speech Handbook for Youth Workers” until the end of project.
The participants will enhance the capacity of themselves and their institutions on the subject of new media and mew media tools. At the same time they gain information and awareness of hate speech in new media. Besides they will share these information and experiences gained by project outputs with other youth workers and NGOs in their countries. In this way with our project, organizational capacities of 10 NGOs will enhance on the subject of new media tools and many youth workers having high action group will get information and awareness of fight against hate speech. The countries, which the project partners represent; Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, England, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey.
Project Output