The Löhner Mansion, located in Karşıyaka district of İzmir, was built by the German Lochner family, early in the1900s. It is known to be the family was in business and the house was built by Amedee Lochner.

When you enter the Löhner Mansion, you may feel like you have traveled back in time.

The architecture of the building reflects the European style of its period.

This rectangular planned and two floored mansion was built with brick and wooden materials. The façade of the building has symmetrical and simple regulation. There are moldings around the windows and half-round arches on them. The entrance door on the shore side of the building consists of two doors, one narrow and the other high. The building has a diagonal section that protrude from the building itself on the park façade of the building. There are three narrow and long windows on this section. The second floor of the building has a wooden bay window carried by iron consoles on the beach front. The mansion is also pretty magnificent with its interior. It has been restored to its former glory after works carried out in years 2003-2004. 

Lohner Mansion is an important part of Karşıyaka’s cultural and historical heritage. Today, mansion serves to its visitors both as a historical building and as a café.

                                                                                                                                                                      Caner I.


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