Art Coop involves 15 young people from Italy, Spain and Turkey in the development of socio-educational and artistic activities for local communities in Chile. The project will be developed through 2 mobilities lasting 6 months. The volunteers, supported by Pi Youth Association (Turkey), ScambiEuropei (Italy) and TACC (Spain), will support the community development activities of TECHO Internacional (Chile) in different slums and areas lacking economic, sociological or geographical interactions.
Overall Objective:
To increase the participation of young volunteers and organizations in artistic and cultural actions and solidarity and social work activities in order to empower society through volunteering tasks and strengthen cohesion, inclusion, democracy and active citizenship.
Specific Objectives:
-To strengthen global cohesion, solidarity and identity through arts and culture, contributing to the capacity and resilience of disadvantaged communities, with a particular focus on gender diversity, environmental sustainability, mental health, youth engagement, culture of peace and non-violence.
-To enrich volunteers and the local community through innovative artistic methodologies, non-formal education techniques and debates on social issues, promoting critical thinking about social inequalities and facilitating the transition from humanitarian response to long-term sustainable and inclusive development.
-Accompany volunteers in developing their skills and soft skills in first aid and ensure their safety and security.
-Develop actions adapted to the real needs and interests of the target group and context, strengthening disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction through artistic and cultural methodologies.
These aims and objectives will be achieved by supporting TECHO Internacional’s own socio-educational and artistic projects with young people, addressing youth mental health. Volunteers will design and develop an artistic project during the whole project.