“Shake a leg, together!” is a KA2 project a project about healthy and active lifestyle. With this project we aim to reach as many people as possible in participating countries and encourage them to take up any sort of physical activity, to inform them about its benefits and to help making physical activity an attractive hobby. We will carry out a number of activities accordingly in the partner countries Turkey, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovenia and North Macedonia during our 12-months project. Participants will be working in mix international groups or couples through most of the duration, planning and leading workshops, organizing a festival, follow-up activities in their own communities. Participants will be organizing Facebook challenges in their own countries too and constantly organizing local events, gathering information about benefits of exercising and write article and post about it, with that enhancing their organizational and conversational and many other skills.

Project Partners (In alphabetic order):
Association For Volunteerism Volonterski Centar Skopje (Macedonia)
ESTA Saltes (Lithuania)
Jovobarat Egyesulet (Hungary)
Pi Youth Association (Turkey)
Voluntariat Zavod za Mednarodno Prostovoljno Delo Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Objectives of the Project:
– To gain knowledge and raise general awareness of the benefits of physical activity and effect it has on our body and to learn how to exercise correctly.
– To help/assist more people to make physical activity a regular practice and a tool to fight stress, stay motivated, energized and to improve a general well-being.
– For all the participants to increase the level of self-awareness and the ability to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses through regular reflections and introspections.
– To support each participant to create and lead successful workshops based on non-formal education while gaining event management and promotional (advertising) competencies.

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