Project Name : Work Of Man – WOman
Project Type : Erasmus Plus KA1-Youth Exchange
Subjects : EU Citizenship, Gender Equality, Career Management
Project Venue : İzmir – Turkey
Project Dates : 1th February 2017 – 31th December 2017
Project Duration : 11 Months
Activity Dates : 12 – 21 May 2017
Number Of Participant : 7 Person (6 participants + 1 leader) Total Group 42 Person
Age Limit : For leaders +18, For participants 18-30 years old.
Partner Countries : Italia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey

Youth unemployment continues to be a big problem in Europe. Our young women must struggle with the youth unemployment problem as well as time gender inequality and equality of opportunity. Some business sectors are under the male dominance due to social, cultural or similar unwritten rules and there are big prejudices against the employment of female employee even if they are qualified. However one of the most important values of EU is equality of opportunity.

Pi Youth Association gets into the act about youth rights and problem and plans to organize a youth exchange in İzmir for the youth with our partners from the different countries in Europe. Our aim is to create an equality of gender and opportunity especially in the area of employment, raise awareness about this subject and increase of awareness and familiarity of EU’s values on this subject. A youth exchange will be carried out during 11 months with the partnership of civil society organizations from Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey within the scope of the project “Work Of Man (WOman)”. This youth exchange will take place between the dates of 12 – 21 May 2017 in İzmir, Turkey. 6 participants from every country and 1 leaders, totally 7 people will participate in this youth exchange. Equality of gender and opportunity, Europeanness, Youth unemployment and so on subjects will be addressed in the workshops with the popular learning methods. Besides the youth will prepare a theater play within the scope of this project and organize photograph exhibition about the topic of gender equality.

Theater play and photograph exhibition organizing in the city will be open to the public. After the youth exchange, relevant photograph exhibition about the topic of gender equality will be on display in their countries of all project partners and meet up with local people. Thanks to these works, project partners who plan to create awareness on the subjects of equality of gender and opportunity, EU values and youth unemployment aim to carry on their activities on this subject with new projects.

Project Output

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Visual and Media
Part I

Part II

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